Clip DescriptionCORPORATE HACK FALL GUY 2 – BERNIE’S REVENGE – starring ZOEY LAINE & ERIC MASTERSON Cost: $20.00 Time: 20:45 Minutes Size: 648 MB HQ HD 1280X720 Editor’s Notes: WE HAVE SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED OUR RESOLUTION QUALITY! This is part 2 of CORPORATE HACK FALL GUY. Contains: Set Up, Dialogue, Corporate Espionage, Submissive ****, Tall ****, Young ****, Consensual Sex, Betrayal, ******, Gloved Killer, Nudity, Fondling, Breast Views, Ass Views, Vaginal Views, Foot Views, Bare Feet, Breast Worship, Ass Worship, Vaginal Worship, Body Handling, Necrophilia ****, Death by Gloved Hand ************* & Throat Crush, Neck Bruising, Vaginal Fingering, Arm Carrying, Death Stare, Death Twitching, Spasming, Foot Thrashing Description: In this second part, Alfred Bernstein is trying to exact revenge on the corporation he poured his life’s ***** into before being selected as the scapegoat to be fired after a young woman (JENNIFER WHITE) is used to help frame him. Now, retired yet living a life of luxury, Mr. Bernstein is targeting the Intellectual Properties of his former company by using several young associate managers who he trained as mentors. He enters a love affair with them but when the company is close to discovering a mole, Bernie murders them and makes their body’s disappear so there is no trace. Bernie will never give up trying to severely damage his former company, but what tricks do his company have in store for him?
Clip Duration: 21 minutes |
Format | Size | wmv | 617.79 MB |
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